It’s the rest of the week. How about a little jiggle?
Jiggling is a helpful treatment technique used by myofascial release therapists to improve circulation and hydration in the body’s fascial network. (We call it rebounding).
We are made up of 60-70% water and the unforced motion of jiggling sends gentle vibrations through the body that help to release restrictions in the fascia by using the body’s fluidity as a therapeutic force—which improves mobility, relieves pain, and decreases muscle bracing/tension.
Who would have thought that movement could be an invitation to rest?
Here’s your guide to trying this out for yourself :
(Note: This activity instruction is not meant for diagnosis or treatment of a medical problem—consult your medical care provider with questions and concerns and do not perform activity if it causes pain or apprehension).
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart
Feel your feet rooted to the ground/floor, unlock your knees, let your arms flop at your sides, and let your neck relax.
Breathe in deeply and exhale as you begin to let your knees and ankles gently bounce up and down, creating a rhythmic motion that sends waves up and down your body.
Focus your attention on your feet and ankles, feeling the movement, and then notice how the waves move up through your knees, hips and pelvis, spine, chest, neck, and head.
Notice areas where the motion seems to get stuck, areas of tightness or tension, and keep jiggling gently while you breath in deeply and let those areas soften.
You will notice that areas of restriction begin to loosen up. Continue to jiggle—several minutes or more. You may feel tingly afterwards—this is a good thing.
Happy jiggling. May your rest be sweet.