It’s the rest of the week. Let’s laugh.
Have you ever been overcome by laughter at a most inopportune time?
My sisters and I went through a spell in our childhood when we frequently succumbed to the prayer time giggles. Then there was the time the four of us lined up on a platform to sing before a large congregation, only to choke our way through the song we’d so carefully prepared. We managed to get to the last note before dashing down the red carpeted steps in fits of nervous laughter.
The adults were gracious, but did not see the humor. Of course, today, our family finds great fun in retelling such stories and, I believe, Marie Osmond’s advice is apropos:
“If you're going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now.”
I was actually in the midst of a different newsletter when we got the latest in a series of updates from a loved one, who has been entertaining us with accounts of a new job in a new place—which, it turns out, is different from what was expected in ways that can only be swallowed with a good sense of humor.
I have been admiring and enjoying the ability to put a comic spin on things. A great sense of humor, however, met its match when the transition from Airbnb to the housing arranged for proved yet another change of plans, requiring a stay that night in a hotel.
Our protagonist was not laughing.
But then, while sitting on the edge of the bed, staring no where in particular, lo and behold there appeared an actual, real life mouse sitting in the middle of the hotel room floor.
It was so bizarre that there was nothing to do but laugh and share the laughter with us.
Laughter can break through frustration.
Laughter can put things back in perspective.
Laughter can release tension.
Laughter can open the door to respite from a difficult situation, boredom, and even pain.
Research (Mayo Clinic) indicates that laughter:
stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles
activates and relieves your stress response
soothes tension
improves your immune systems
relieves pain
improves personal satisfaction
improves your mood and sense of humor
Ancient wisdom declares that there is a time for everything—including laughing (Eccl. 3:4). So, I changed this week’s invitation from Pause to Laughter.
Is there anything you can laugh about right now?
May your rest be seasoned with laughter.