Well, the rest of the week is pretty much in the rearview mirror. Is there anything you’d like to take with you as you advance into this new one?
How about an eye for gentle warmth wherever it shows up? And an open hand and heart to take it in?
We’ve been on and off the road for the past two weeks and we arrived home a couple of hours ago. The car is unloaded, the washing machine is hard at work, and the chunk of ice that kept our veggies cool is is out of the ziplock bag and long gone.
A friend gave me the ice chunk as we headed out the door and I considered giving it a new home in my freezer, saving it for future use, but in the end, I emptied it into the kitchen sink and then couldn’t resist running some warm water over it.
I’d forgotten how fun and even soothing it can be to watch the ice vanish under the flow of warm water. I shifted the ice around and soon it looked as though I had punched holes all over it—but of course if I’d attempted something like that it would have just shattered. Instead, the holes and other shapes appeared without effort.
I am not sure where that water came from originally, but it is now flowing freely, and (I imagine) merrily through the Kannapolis sanitary sewer system on its way to a wastewater treatment facility.
In this new week may you have an eye out for gentle warmth wherever it shows up. May you receive love, joy, and all good things in ways that soften the cold, hard places.
Until next week,