It’s the rest of the week. What is happening in your life right now?
There’s nothing like looking through old photos to bring on a case of nostalgia for “the good old days”.
A few years ago, I was privy to a conversation that went something like this:
“Hey, look at this picture of us!”
“Wow—we look great!”
“I know, I’m so thin!”
“And I don’t have any wrinkles…”
Wait a minute—you did not think you were thin back then—you were always talking about how you needed to lose weight!”
“Hmmm. But I look so good.”
“Yes—and in 5 years, you’ll probably look at a picture from this time and think you look good now!”
“And you’ll be noticing how few wrinkles you have…!”
“To be sure—because in five years I’ll definitely have more wrinkles.”
“Wow. I guess we may as well appreciate what we have right now instead of waiting to long for it in the future.”
Let’s imagine for a moment that we can zoom into the future and look back on today.
What/who will you remember fondly?
What/who will you miss?
What/who will you wish you’d appreciated more?
Maybe you are in a particularly difficult season right now. May you find some rest in knowing that this will not last forever. There will come a time when you will look back on even this and notice the good and the growth that has come of it.
Either way, may your rest be sweet,