Does it ever feel like your body will not let you rest?
Maybe it’s an external circumstance—you take the red eye flight to save money, promising yourself that you will sleep on the plane. And, if you are Ricardo, you do, but if you are Alicia, you spend most of the flight tossing and turning (as discreetly as possible).
(How does a person sleep in a sitting position anyway?)
Maybe you’ve been working with your hands (typing/cooking/hammering/driving), shoulders all tensed up, and when you go to relax, it’s simply impossible.
Have you ever had a tension headache?
And what about chronic pain?
A couple of weeks ago, Gabriel asked if I could talk to a friend living on the other side of the world.
“She’s in a lot of pain,” he said.
As it turned out, an intense pain had taken up residence in her upper back, robbing her of sleep and even restricting her breathing.
“Of course I’ll help her,” I said.
This is one of the many joys of being a myofascial release (MFR) therapist—I no longer avoid pain and tension, but welcome it, knowing that I can help.
In her case, the relief came quickly. She followed the instructions I texted her and reported the next day that she was able sleep and that only a bit of pain remained.
Here’s what I shared with her:
Identify an area of tension and/or pain.
Get a 4” soft air filled ball (if unavailable, try a dryer ball or rolled up soft cloth) and place it on that spot, holding it in place by lying on the floor or a firm mattress or leaning against the wall or firm-backed chair.
Let your body relax and melt into the ball. Set a timer for 5 minutes and keep relaxing into the ball.
NOTE: if your body braces against the pressure or you find yourself tensing up instead of letting go and relaxing, move the ball to a peripheral area or lighten the pressure by taking air out of the ball. THIS SHOULD NOT HURT. This is not a “no pain, no gain” kind of treatment.
During the 5 minutes, breathe in and exhale, imagining that the spot you are treating is melting. Every so often, do a body scan and note anything that comes up, or other areas of tightness (this will tell you where to treat next).
Repeat in other areas of tightness.
Drink plenty of water (to flush out metabolic toxins that are released).
NOTE: Do not do this in areas with active infection, open wounds, unhealed fractures, or over your abdomen in the case of pregnancy or hernias. And, as always, consult your medical practitioner with concerns.
Two of the factors that make MFR so effective, creating the space and conditions for your body to heal itself by releasing fascial restrictions that pull and push and press on sensitive tissues, are:
Gentleness—your body will not release restrictions (and thereby tension) in response to force. Gentleness disarms the unconscious bracing patterns your body has developed in response to situations where you needed to protect yourself or hold yourself in a certain position.
Sustained pressure—after 3-5 minutes of sustained pressure (compression or elongation of the tissues) your body starts to let go. Restrictions are released and the body sends healing substances to the area.
Don’t you think those are principles that would be helpful in releasing emotional and spiritual restrictions as well?
May your rest be sweet,
I remember the MF fire treatments you gave me. Wonderful!
Thinking perhaps I can do a similar thing next time my husband has back or shoulder aches. Maybe I can just place the ball and hold it in place against his back/shoulder, etc..