It’s the rest of the week. What would you like to rest from right now?
Is there something you do with a level of intensity that is tiring? Maybe because that’s just how you’ve always done it? Or perhaps you’ve accepted a standard that served you for a while—but you haven’t really paused to notice whether that is still helpful?
This past week, my 81 year-old father did the Portland half marathon. And by “did” I mean he ran and walked the whole thing, coming in third in his age group.
And I am thrilled—for all the reasons you might imagine, but also (and especially) because this is a shift towards taking good care of himself.
My dad started doing marathons in his 70’s and he has an impressive collection of medals. He’s doing great, but for a few reasons, mostly related to me being a physical therapist, I’ve been hoping he would shift from doing full marathons down to half marathons.
I’m glad he did.
I am proud of him.
I imagine that it isn’t easy to shift “down”—to shift to doing something “easier”.
I also imagine that it isn’t hard at all. Afterall, he is not a professional runner retiring from a vocation. His identity is not tied to doing marathons. He enjoys running and he enjoys the community.
From the other side of the country, I followed his race and celebrated a great finish.
I also received the invitation to rest tucked into this event.
Is there anything in your life that you might like to shift towards or a way from? Any activities/hobbies/jobs/roles that might be easier on you with a little tweak here or there?
Here’s to shifting towards rest. May your rest be sweet,