It’s the rest of the week.
Do you ever feel a little discouraged right where you are—ever feel like you were growing so nicely and then this or that happened, and it feels for all the world like you are right back where you were before?
Life can sometimes feel like a job, or a project, or something we are struggling to conquer. It can feel like a circling around the same track, lap after lap, to a zig zagging rhythm of progress moments and slip ups, with no lasting change or transformation.
Perhaps it’s more helpful to think about this repetition, this circling back to the same issue(s) as a spiral—a circling, but with direction and destination.
We might think of it as spiraling up—associating up with mountain tops and heaven—headed for a destination of peace, of rest.
We might also think of it as spiraling down—a process of letting truth move from our heads into our hearts. Each time around, we come to know ourselves better—we become more honest with ourselves.
And to the extent that we are honest with ourselves, we will be honest with someone else, and with God.
An honest relationship is such a relief.
Honesty clears and holds space for grace and love.
So those moments, where it seems we’ve reverted to our old selves, where it feels like we’ve undone all the good work, and maybe even done irreparable damage?
Perhaps those are invitations to rest right where we are, to be honest, and to let Love into the process and to come to believe that God is patient and that he finishes what he starts.
May your rest be sweet,