What would you like to rest from right now?
Do you ever miss the sleep train and find yourself lying in bed, tired, but wide awake?
Sometimes resting right now feels so impossible that the invitation to rest sounds more like the pressure of one more thing you’re supposed to be doing, but aren’t—like an added weight.
Perhaps you’ve slipped back into some unrestful habit, like staying up too late, and there’s a generalized sense of defeat that is anything but motivating for getting back on track.
Maybe the day was just a bit over stimulating and its activities and interactions are still spinning around in your mind like fragments in a desert dust whirl. And you might be caught up in it yourself.
We can take our time. We can notice the feelings for what they are. We can name the burdens and throw them on God and receive his compassion (1 Peter 5:7).
We are learning and growing—albeit in fits and starts at times. However fast the world around us spins, we can put down our weight and become still. We can find rest again.
May your rest be sweet,